Hmm...its been a long time ne?
Frozen wings~ Drift nine.
The year was 2157.
Deep within the cold regions of Mount Everest, was one of the Seven Wonders of the World. A gigantic ice cave the size of a shopping mall was discovered there by one of the hikers who wanted to overcome the mountain. Within it, lied many ice walls that later on were found to be part of an ice maze that filled up the entire cave. Afraid of losing their way inside the maze, no one had ever dared to explore it and discover what secrets were hidden within.
Thus, no one could figure out how the cave came to be...or what the maze was trying to protect from curious visitors. From the looks of it, the maze looked like it was formed naturally, but was almost impossible for it to form just nicely to make complicated mazes like this. It had people wondering if other beings from another planet were responsible for it. In that thought, it became one of the six wonders of the world. However tourist and researchers were always discouraged by the cold to explore the maze. So hardly anyone ever visited it...and it was almost forgotten before one day, a bold and famous researcher decided to do an expedition on it. What he found...would soon change the world we knew it forever...
A group of reporters gathered around the middle aged man and his team of scientists as they were about to board the plane, questions were continuingly shooting at them. "Why the sudden interest in the maze professor Karris?" "Is it true you believe a new species of dinosaurs might be hidden deep within it like those you had found in the Grand Canyon before?" "Does it have any relation to your previous research?"
The professor signaled for the press to calm down as he told them that he would answer them one by one. "Firstly...I don’t know what we might find there. It could be anything and yet...nothing at all. We are just heading out to clear everyone's doubts concerning that place. My group of researchers and I had always been fascinated by the wonders of the world, this is just a first step in our goal to solving all of their mysteries."
"So you would be going to other 'wonders' after you've finished with this one, right?"
" if you'll excuse plane is about to take off."
As the group boarded the plane, one of the professor's team members asked him, "Seriously speaking...what you expect to find there?"
The middle-aged man in a brown jacket and matching blue jeans grinned widely before answering. "Something amazing...there's no doubt about it."
However his confident answer soon turned out to be the exact opposite of what they found for the first few weeks. They had explored almost half of the maze...but yet found nothing but just more and more ice walls and passages. However the professor never gave up and remained optimistic about their expedition. His team on the other hand...was losing morale with each passing day. And before long they got fed up as they found their final and last passage to come to another dead end. "This is ridiculous...I hate to say this but...there's nothing here professor."
Karris pretended to be indulged in his work, so as to ignore his comment. As he continued to examine the ice wall that was blocking their passage, he asked that very same assistant. "Did you bring the drill I asked for?"
"Yes but still...don't you think this is just a waste of time?"
Before that, there were already many other complains that day. However it never bothered the professor, as he knew they would continue working. But saying that what they were doing was just a waste of time finally got to him. As much as he hated to admit it...he knew that...they might just very well be right... "Look. If you can't even have the patience to see things through, then how in the world do you expect to accomplish anything? This is just the beginning...there are so many other places in this world we have to explore. So much more work to do... There would be times when we might find something incredible, but there would also be others when we won't find anything at all. So if you can't take it...then I suggest you should save yourself the trouble, and just go ahead and quit."
Lost for words...the assistant could only go back to their campsite to get the drill. After all...they were in the middle of nowhere, its not like there was any other place he could go to if he had quit. And in a way...he couldn't help but agree with the man...
In life...things don't always go your way...
And with the drill finally in place and working, everyone gathered around in wait to see what they would find. Everyone was eager to know...if the efforts of their work would pay off. That all the cold they had embraced was worth it. In a few moments, their burning desire to know would all be quenched.
The wall of ice broke, revealing even larger walls of ice...but this time...the walls were connected to allow only one straight path to walk towards a chamber. The professor smiled at the sight and said to his team, "Behold..."
Yes...most times, things don't go our way. Though sometimes things do...and that might not exactly be a good thing.
Behind the frozen wall was a long pathway towards a large chamber of ice. Along the path were large ice walls that contained within them weird creatures and pieces of a broken pirate ship. As the professor walked down the so-called hallway, he realized that the creatures that were frozen within looked a lot like their fellow humans. Just that the creatures had sharper ears and horns on their heads. Some located higher up even had wings. "Incredible." He whispered to himself in amazement as he presumed that these creatures must have been part of a different breed of human beings. However what was frozen at the end of the chamber...would change the way he saw the world forever. As behind the frozen ice, was a young girl with a pair of tainted white wings sticking out from her back. Yes...there was no was a real life angel, the discovery of the century.
Five years have past since that day...and another group of two was nearing the excavation site. Covered in gray robes to protect themselves from the cold weather, the two marched on in the deep snow. One was a young man, the other a female who didn't look any older then him. Together they approached what remains of the search of the truth. As they were nearing the site, the female finally asked a burning question she had been dying to ask.
"We're going to the ice maze right? You've brought me all the way this treacherous ice mountain without even letting me leave a goodbye to them...Now that we're soon nearing it...its high time I know why..."
The man who was walking in front of her stopped for a moment and turned his head slightly to answer her. "You'll know soon enough..." And they continued on like this for another moment before the young lady could no longer contain the fear she felt about the truth. Shivering in cold and desperation, she fell to her knees and cried out to the man.
" don't get it... I think...I already do...I know what I am Reiner..."
It was during the time the two stayed in the hotel on the foot of the mountain, that she discovered the terrible truth. The man had to run some errands on that day...and regrettably...he had forgotten to lock the door to his room. The lady, seeing his laptop still turned on decided to help switch it off for him...But what she didn't know was that what Reiner was viewing before...was actually an entire file of her life. Even parts where she didn't knew about.
"The reason I came along with you...everything I wanted to should all be here then." She said to herself as she saw her name at the top of the computer file. "RENA"
As she read through the words, she could distinctly recall the exact words the man had said to her on that supposedly special day, her birthday.
They were alone then...and were taking the subway to her house. There was no shortage of seats on that day as well, as the carriage was pretty much empty. Everything was going well for them. They had the train all to themselves...but oddly, as Rena made herself comfortable by seating. Reiner decided to stand and lean on a pole in front of her instead.
"Happy birthday Rena." He said with a gentle smile.
"Heh...thanks..." she replied happily as they were on their way to a birthday party held at her house. And...Krion was going to be there.
"Do you remember your real birthday though?" Reiner asked doubtfully.
At that moment, the cheerful mood between them quickly changed. And Rena tried her best to reply without sounding sad, "How could I? I don't remember the things that happened before I was ten. Besides...does it matter? I'm content with what I have."
Reiner's face soon had a smirk on it. He could tell that she was lying. "Are you sure? What if I told you...I know when is your real birthday...that I know why you lost your memories? That I know who your real parents are?"
Pretending it was a joke, Rena decided to reply playfully. "Oh stop kidding around Reiner...we're almost there."
"Oh, but I'm speaking the truth daughter of angels." Reiner said with such confidence that Rena couldn't help but be convince that he knew something she didn't. "Just who are you Reiner? I've always thought you were just joking about these things...But if you are for real...since you know something about my past...then tell me!"
"That's my intention all along Rena...but on one condition though..." he said slyly.
"Name it." Rena replied immediately, as she could no longer stand his teasing.
"Fine then...come with me. Skip the party tonight and come with me. I'll show you what I know. And then you'll understand why I've always told you that you and he could never work out."
After a moment of hesitation...the lady of angels agreed.
"'ve discovered the truth...well then, let us hasten our pace. You need to face your past sooner or later anyways." Reiner instructed as he began walking faster towards the ice cave. Rena followed closely behind without even uttering a single word of resistance. After was she who wanted to know the truth...and now...there's no turning back.
When they finally reached the cave...they found it to be sealed up by large, fallen pieces of ice. Reiner in response took out a much worn out scroll from his jacket. Holding it up towards the ice, he whispered out the words 'Release, my inferno...'
A gush of red wind was then summoned, blasting through the ice and creating a path for them.
As they walked along the newly opened pathway, Reiner began his explanation to Rena.
"Five years were discovered by a group of researchers. You were living proof that angels existed and lived among us. And not only that, your body was dated to be over three thousand years old...causing many researchers to believe that an ancient civilization existed. However that was where the discoveries ended for them. You were stolen only a few days after recovering you. And the cave was soon lost to the researchers as well due to an unnatural earthquake causing the cave to collapse.''
"So...I'm an angel...right? That much I know...but u said u knew my birthday...that u knew who my parents are..."
"Yes...I did say that. You search for ancient scrolls, my master found a passage in the written history of the ancient civilization, mentioning about the door to the heavens...and the scrolls guarding the door."
"I don't care about this stuff! What do they have to do with me anyways?"
" lady, it concerns you greatly...because you are the key, the goddess who was destined to open the door. Only with your blood, will the seal be broken. In pursuit to end your life so that the angels would not have the chance to use the powers of the gods, the demons chasing you were frozen together with your ship by a weird phenomenon later on named as the "Glacier storm." It was a storm that freezes everything in its path, and the mark of the beginning of the end of the world."
"So all that stuff about knowing my parents...about my birthday... You were lying weren't you? You never met them could you? They died over three thousand years ago...I'm...I''s not possible to meet them anymore."
However as soon as the pathway ended and they entered the hidden chamber, Reiner shouted out loudly and pointed to a blur couple hugging each other. Surrounding them were the remains of a broken ship. But the flag from that ship frozen by the ice had a symbol not like an angel but of a devil’s. It was a devil's ship. "On the contrary lady of angels, there they are...I presume they were trying to save you."
Rena was pleasantly surprised...she was going to see them after all. Her wish, her reason to travel all the way here with Reiner...was partially fulfilled... In her moment of joy, she ran towards where they were. Even though they are now frozen and couldn't reply was still comforting to know that they were only an ice wall away from her. And yet that very fact quickly made her depressed. It was a bittersweet meeting...but a meeting non-the less. Kneeling down before them, she tried to hug the ice though it was painstakingly cold and would soon give her skin frostbites. "Am I home?" she asked doubtfully, as her heart still felt like something was amiss.
Upon hearing that question, Reiner stared at her as though she was nothing more but a pitiful stranger to him. Even though they had only known each other for only a year, the times he and she spent with Krion and his siblings were blissful and filled with mostly joy. Because of that...he had always thought that she was truly happy there, but she proved him wrong when she agreed to go with him, and now she proved him wrong once again...
"They say home is where your heart is lady. Do you know where your heart lies now?" Reiner decided to ask with a serious tone of voice.
Rena didn't know the answer...the only thing she could think of this past year was to meet her parents...nothing else mattered during that year...and so...her heart had forgotten. It was though the mention of the word 'parents' had triggered a spell on her.
"I'm afraid...I cannot recall..."
Letting out a sigh of disappointment, Reiner decided to give her hints, "Is it with a person? Is it with a place? Think Rena...recall...when was the last time your heart felt like it belonged somewhere?"
Taking his advice without question, like a naive child, her eyes began staring aimlessly, her mind blank before was now starting to be filled with memories...and a familiar voice.
Just the two of us...
I told you long as I am with world is all I can ask for.
Is yours like that too?
Moments she spent with him...moments she was angry with him...moments she was crying with him...and yes...moments she was smiling with him.
"Krion." She whispered to herself as she finally remembered.
'Perhaps what I was looking for...was there all along...' she thought to herself, as her eyes couldn’t help but shed tears of sadness. And with that thought...her tired soul led her to sleep. Reiner who was looking from a distance away, led out a gently grin before the moment was interrupted by a strong and confident voice.
"So that's why she left..."
"Hien..." Reiner whispered as he recognized his voice, the voice of Krion's brother. He was a young teenager around the same age as Reiner. His brown hair was styled upwards on one side, while the other side slightly covering part of his emerald eyes. Wearing a white mantle accompanied with a sleeveless coat. Reiner could sense his increase in angelic energy as Hien took out a pair of feathers from beneath his coat. "It's been a long time hasn't it Reiner?"
"It has...but nothing's change with the situation of our last meeting and the one now... You came for her didn't you? For Krion's sake, am I right?" Reiner questioned as he turned his body slowly to face him.
"I'm afraid that is incorrect Reiner, lapdog of my father. I come for the sake of the world. Besides...I've got a score yet to settle with you." Hien replied as he began his slow steps forward.
"Ah. I come for the Devil's sake. I see no other way then...this won't end if I don't defeat you here!" Reiner shouted as he extended a pair of swords right out from the flesh of his palms and charged towards Hien with them.
"Yes...lets settle it here and now!" Hien fired back, annoyed and frustrated as he recalled their last encounter. Welding a feather in each hand, he whispered the command, "Unfold, feathers of abhorrence." And the feathers soon multiplied themselves, covering Hien's hands while falling to the floor. As they did, a pair of winged swords could be seen in each hand as they clashed almost immediately as they appeared upon Reiner's own bloody swords. Unlocking their swords against each other, Reiner retreated back before extending blades from each of his fingers and charging forward again. However he was soon stopped by a swing of Hien's sword upwards, sending the feathers that had fallen, up afloat again blinding him from his enemy. And within that moment, he could feel his back being sliced, and the blood flowing out from the wound splashing onto the icy floor behind him. "Fast...I couldn't even sense he was coming..." Reiner whispered in disbelief.
As Reiner tried his best to continue standing, he tried to find him again. However he soon found himself being slashed again by a sharp blast of energy on to his shoulder. "It appears you've gotten stronger Hien..." Reiner commented as he fell to his knees while panting and trying to cope with the pain. "But I'm afraid..." he continued as he stood back up again, and crushed another blast of energy that was flying towards him. "You're not that strong!"
With that, Reiner dash towards Hien again. Dodging any blasts of light flying towards him and clashing as hard as he could against Hien's swords, forcing the angel back a step. The two were then soon locked in an intense sword fight as they exchanged blows with each other. As they continued, the friction of their swords sliding against each other created a rain of sparks around them till one final blow was sent towards each other. When the blow occurred, Reiner found himself being blown back by the intense forces exploding from their swords...they seemed evenly matched. Or so he thought till he faintly saw Hien above him grinning followed by a sharp light flying towards him, slashing again at his shoulder wound. Screaming in pain, his body spun and crashed into an ice wall, shattering the ice structures around him.
Hien waited for any signs of fight left in Reiner before approaching closer to retrieve Rena's sleeping body. As he lifted her up with both hands, Reiner's annoyed voice could be heard shouting at him. "Heh what about mother? Are you coming for her soon?"
Hien upon hearing that, he stared coldly at the defeated Reiner before replying. " can be sure of that."
"Ah...that's good. I'll be waiting then."