Saturday, August 07, 2004


Yo, people. Long time no blog! Yesterday got caught by police for playing football under void deck...the policeman was the same guy who came to our school to give a talk on gangsterism! The anoying guy...I could have run actually...i saw them coming first sia...sigh* He at first gave us 3 choices, first was to clean up the wall with our shirts though the fact that our ball was like so bloody clean...second was to call our parents and buy new paint to paint the wall, third was too bring us to their police headquarters and arr i dunno wait! got fourth one! it was that they go tell our school...they made us write down our names and IC numbers, and in the end they made the choice for us sia...they would report us to the school and then the school would instruct us to clean the wall, then i our [beta] thingy would have the offense...sigh* why so unlucky sia...that morning got the small simple thought that the day would be a bad the end really stupid! Sigh* but in the i guess all i can say is that, life goes matter what happens, so matter how you feel, what you think,what you long as your still breathing, it will go all i can do is embrace it and make the best of the situation.

Quote~ So life goes on huh...

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