Thursday, November 04, 2004

Heh, so how's everyone? For me, things are starting to get better/ returning to what it once was. Junyu is still playing ragnarok as if his life depended on it, collin/coolin/cole/coal! on the other hand is dominated us with his hard to get euipment, and Dw is well...I'm not really sure but he's still playing ragnarok that's for sure. For goodness sake really, almost all of the chinese boys in class talks about this freaking game till it's starting to get anoying! Well...if you really count when it proably already started to get anoying before the exams. Well anyway, life is finally starting to look up a bit. I can finally see my living room floor after an intense battle with dust. [Yes Dw, I'm not's actually clean, only the tables are messy now.] And in the process I found something [actually my father found it.] that i once considered to be my good luck charm. Well since I'm almost always having bad luck, so I figured it's no harm to just take something and call it a good luck charm. XD was something I really liked, it's a neckalace with a ring attached to it [like lord of the rings except this one is from final fantasy 8 and it's silver in colour.] On another note, went to watch a movie today with collin junyu and kenneth [like that spell?] Saw a trailer for a japanese movie, and it's about a jap anime! In real life version! Sure to be a great visual sight, the movie looks cool, but reminds me of power rangers XD!!! The movie is called "Casshern" a scientist build a robot to help solve pollution but it goes beserk and tries to destroy all mankind with a robot army and mutants. The son of the scientist is killed and then reborn as part android and well like all stories goes off fighting the bad guys. Well there's proably more to the story then that but it's in jap and the trailer had subtitles so thats basicly all I know. What caught my eye was a scene where Casshern draws his sword ready to fight someone else with also a drawn sword. The backrgound reminded me of my story when Reion fought with Withe for the fianl battle. Except it wasn't raining. The chinese news also showed something about it. Hehe promoting anime! And there was a manga contest or something, couldn't remember. Well...going to sleep now, tomorrow going to play basketball again.

"You were reborned for a reason..."
"Hmmm I looked good without my specs, now if only I can get rid of my stomach! XD!!!"

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