Monday, July 20, 2009 long has it been since I last posted here? I'm back today mainly cause I realised how out of touch I am with all the people I've met and befriended during secondary school. I saw Shu Huak on last saturday night and I stared straight to her face and we walked past each other as though we were strangers. I guess she couldn't recognise me anymore haha. This reminded me of how Wenxi also couldn't recognise me during my JC days. I have to admit...I'm quite sadden by it...haha. So today I went to Shu Huak's blog to see how they were doing and apparantly Wenxi is leaving Singapore to study overseas? Wow...I guess I dunno what else to say anymore here...except that I guess its my fault in the first place. I never bothered to keep in touch with anyone. I guess if I ever have any regrets in life this would be one of them...haha.

I know no one visits this blog anymore as well since I havent been updating since secondary school. So I guess this is a perfectly safe place for my unsung thoughts, an unprotected santuary.

I have to admit...I do miss my secondary school days, I miss everyone from then. Though life goes on, sometimes we just can't help but wanna take a walk down memory lane once more no?
Anyways there's no reason for this blog other than to write about how I feel during the little spare time I have outside of army camp. Its not all bad though, I've made some good friends in camp too. =)

Well, till the next time I feel like blabbling out my thoughts and feelings I shall end my post on this bitterweet note.